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UFO Media Articles
Excerpts of Key UFO Media Articles in Major Media

Below are key excerpts of revealing news articles on UFO/UAP phenomena from reliable news media sources. If any link fails to function, a paywall blocks full access, or the article is no longer available, try these digital tools.

For further exploration, delve into our comprehensive UFO Information Center.

Note: Explore our full index to key excerpts of revealing major media news articles on several dozen engaging topics. And don't miss amazing excerpts from 20 of the most revealing news articles ever published.

Are Paracas Elongated Skulls a New Species, Aliens or a Hoax?
2014-02-11, International Business Times

Initial DNA analysis of one of the 3,000-year-old elongated skulls found in Paracas, Peru, has revealed that they may not have been come from humans but from a completely new species, according to Paracas Museum assistant director Brien Foerster. A geneticist who tested skull samples has found that they contain mutated DNA that does not match any known genetic DNA information in GenBank, an open-access sequence database of all the known genetic data in the world. The unidentified geneticist told Foerster: "It had mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) with mutations unknown in any human, primate, or animal known so far. But a few fragments I was able to sequence from this sample indicate that if these mutations will hold we are dealing with a new human-like creature, very distant from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals and Denisovans. I am not sure it will even fit into the known evolutionary tree." According to Foerster, the geneticist in question, who apparently does contract work for the US government, is willing to go public, but does not want to come forward until the tests prove the theory conclusively. Peruvian archaeologist Julio Tello discovered the skulls in 1928 ... on the south coast of Peru. There are still many more tests that need to be carried out to verify what the DNA is. With the help of interested individuals over the last two years, Foerster has so far raised $7,000 (Ł4,260, €5,120) to do the initial DNA testing, but a full genome study to completely verify the theory would cost at least $100,000,

Note: Read more on this webpage. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles about our enigmatic world from reliable major media sources.

Do Aliens Exist? Yes, And Some 'Look Just Like Us,’ Says Paul Hellyer, Former Canadian Defense Minister
2014-01-07, International Business Times

Lots of people believe in extraterrestrial life forms, but not many can give specific details about what they look like and where they're living. But that's just what Paul Hellyer, the now-90-year-old former defense minister of Canada, did in his recent interview with Russia Today, claiming there are 80 different species of alien life, from places like Andromeda, Pleiades and Zeta Reticuli, and some look just like us. “There are about 80 different species and some of them look just like us and they could walk down the street and you wouldn’t know if you walked past one," said Hellyer. "They are what we call 'Nordic Blondes' and also the Tall Whites who were actually working with the U.S. air force in Nevada. They’re able to get away with that; they had a couple of their ladies dressed as nuns go into Las Vegas to shop and they weren’t detected. ... Then there’s the Short Greys as they are called, and they are the ones you see in most of the cartoons, they have very slim arms and legs, they are very short, just a little over 5 feet, and they have a great big head and great big brown eyes. But there are different species and you have to know ... that they all are different. If you saw the Short Greys, you’d certainly know there’s something up that you’ve never seen before, but if you saw one of the Nordic Blondes, you’d probably say, “I wonder if she’s from Denmark or somewhere.” But fear not: Hellyer said most of the aliens who have “been visiting our planet for thousands of years” are “benign and benevolent, and they do want to help us.”

Note: For more on UFOs and extraterrestrial visitors to earth, see our deeply revealing UFO Information Center available here.

Obama First President to Mention ‘Area 51'
2013-12-09, ABC News blog

In an affair usually noted for its glitz and glamour, President Obama made news at the 2013 Kennedy Center Honors as the first president to utter the words “Area 51.” A beloved subject of conspiracy theorists and UFO enthusiasts, the government testing site, officially known as the Nevada Test and Training Range, and Groom Lake, came up during Sunday night’s gala when the president was honoring actress Shirley MacLaine. “Now, when you first become president, one of the questions that people ask you is, what’s really going on in Area 51?” Obama said to the audience. “When I wanted to know, I’d call Shirley MacLaine. … I think I just became the first president to ever publicly mention Area 51.” Area 51 was only officially acknowledged this past August in declassified CIA documents that were released following a Freedom of Information Act request submitted [to] the National Security Archive. [The] documents revealed that Area 51 was merely a testing site for government aerial surveillance programs such as U-2 and Oxcart. The Academy award-winning actress has been plenty vocal in the past about her beliefs in alien encounters. MacLaine has talked about her personal alien encounters in her 2007 book Sage-ing While Age-ing and during a 2011 interview on Oprah in which she shared stories of witnessing UFOs from her New Mexico home. “I’ve seen a mother ship here, and I’ve seen them at my ranch,” MacLaine said. “One famous day, a friend of mine was sitting in my hot tub out there, and three UFOs came over and hovered over the hot tub for about 10 minutes.”

Note: For a report with more info on CBS news, click here. For a highly intriguing video related to Area 51 featuring David Adair, click here. For more on UFOs, see our deeply revealing UFO Information Center available here.

Physician Who Told of Handling Roswell Debris Dies
2013-08-28, ABC News/Associated Press

Dr. Jesse Marcel Jr., who said he handled debris from the 1947 crash of an unidentified flying object near Roswell, N.M., has died at the age of 76. Over the past 35 years, Marcel appeared on TV shows, documentaries and radio shows; was interviewed for magazine articles and books, and traveled the world lecturing about his experiences in Roswell. "He was credible. He wasn't lying. He never embellished — only told what he saw," his wife Linda said. Marcel's father was an Air Force intelligence officer and reportedly the first military officer to investigate the wreckage in early July 1947. Marcel said he was 10 when his father brought home some of the debris, woke him up in the middle of the night and said the boy needed to look at it because it was something he would never see again. His father maintained the debris "was not of this Earth," Linda Marcel said. After an initial report that a flying saucer had been recovered on a ranch near Roswell, the military issued a statement saying the debris was from a weather balloon. "They were told to keep it quiet and they did for years and years and years," Linda Marcel said. Interest in the case was revived, however, when physicist and UFO researcher Stanton Friedman spoke with Jesse Marcel Sr. in the late 1970s. Friedman wrote the foreword to Marcel Jr.'s 2007 book The Roswell Legacy, and described him as a courageous man who "set a standard for honesty and decency and telling the truth. His legacy is that he had the courage to speak out when he didn't have to about handling wreckage that his Dad brought home," Friedman said Tuesday. "He could have kept his mouth shut. A lot of people did."

Note: For more reliable, verifiable information on the UFO cover-up, see our deeply revealing UFO Information Center.

Government officially acknowledges existence of Area 51, but not the UFOs
2013-08-16, Washington Post

For reasons unknown, the government finally has admitted that Area 51 — the Shangri-La of alien hunters and a sturdy trope of science-fiction movies — is a real place in the Mojave Desert about 100 miles north of Las Vegas. Area 51 is confirmed in declassified CIA documents posted online [by] the National Security Archive at George Washington University. A dogged researcher pried from the CIA a report on the history of the U-2 spy plane, which was tested and operated at Area 51. The military, which runs the base, always denied that Area 51 was called by its famous moniker. “Your honor, there is no name,” an Air Force attorney told a federal judge in 1995. “There is no name for the operating location near Groom Lake.” The hearing was part of an environmental poisoning case brought by Area 51 workers who said that they had been sickened by exposure to toxic chemicals ... burned in open pits on the base. The men could tell no one what they did; they had signed national-security oaths barring any disclosures about the black-budget facility, where the stealth bomber also was tested. National Security Archive fellow Jeffrey Richelson [filed a FOIA] request in 2005 and the documents arrived about a month ago. Therein, the first-ever reference to Area 51. Why was the veil finally lifted? “It is something we do not know the answer to,” Richelson said. “One of the things I want to find out is the genesis of this decision: Why did they not redact it?” The secrecy surrounding Area 51 amplified conspiracy theories claiming it was infested with extraterrestrials — a notion popularized in movies such as “Independence Day” and, more recently, “Super 8.”

Note: After denying its existence for so many years, the government admits it was lying all along. What else aren't they telling us? For powerful, reliable information suggesting a major cover-up around UFOs, click here.

Mutilated Cows Found at Missouri Farm, Police Not Ruling Out the Possibility of Aliens
2013-07-30, KMOX-TV (St. Louis CBS affiliate)

Who would cut the tongues and take the reproductive organs from several cows? That’s the mystery police in a small town 90 miles away from Kansas City are dealing with. Robert Hills, Henry County Sheriff’s Chief Deputy, says the first cow was discovered in December of 2011, the second and third this summer. All were female cows and were owned by rancher Lyn Mitchell. “We couldn’t see any signs of trauma, and it doesn’t appear that there was any type of wild animal, such as coyotes, that were involved,” Hills told KMOX. The first cow discovered on Mitchell’s ranch had her tongue and ear removed. The next two discovered on July 9th and 19th of this year had their tongues removed along with their udders, anus, reproductive organs, and ears. A veterinarian wasn’t called to examine the first two cows. But one did examine the third one. Mitchell said the veterinarian told her the cuts to the cow were precise and surgical. Also what seems to be the common denominator of all these incidents is the lack of blood and other bodily fluids surrounding the area and inside the animal. Mitchell told the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) that the third cow’s heart was removed and exposed, but was not taken. She believes that maybe whoever did this was interrupted and she does not rule out the possibility of aliens. “We’re having to look at this from two sides,” says Hills. “Some people believe that there are aliens that are involved in this or the possibility of the occult; going to the other end of the spectrum, we’ve talked to other people that say that just when cows die that’s what happens to their bodies. We’re just not able to determine what the cause of death is at this point,” Hills says.

Note: For more on UFOs, see the deeply revealing reports from reliable major media sources available here.

UFO Cover-Ups Must End, Moonwalker Edgar Mitchell Says
2013-07-16, Bloomberg Businessweek

On Feb. 5, 1971, Edgar Mitchell became the sixth of only 12 men to step on the moon. Of that elite dozen, ... Mitchell is the only one to go on record about his controversial belief in extraterrestrial UFOs -- and of a possible government cover-up. While on active duty as a test pilot for the U.S. Navy, he completed an M.S. in aeronautical engineering at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School and a doctorate in aeronautics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Mitchell also served in combat during the Korean War as a fighter pilot. In 1970, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. After retiring from NASA in 1972, he founded the Institute of Noetic Sciences. [Q]: You’re ... known for your views on UFOs. What’s your experience regarding the Roswell, New Mexico, incident of 1947? Mitchell: After my space flight, I was contacted by descendants of the original Roswell observers, including the person who delivered the child-sized coffins to the Air Force [alleged] to contain alien bodies. They all seemed credible with their stories that the bodies found were alien. [Q.]: If that’s the case, why has it been hushed up? Mitchell: Initially I think there was justification in that leadership officials thought people weren’t ready to handle it. But we are well past that now. But it’s not just military. It’s a cabal of organizations primarily for a profit motive. Think of what that could mean in terms of space travel with control of UFO machinery, technology. There’s a lot of money involved.

Note: For Mercury and Gemini astronaut Gordon Cooper on his personal experience with UFOs, click here. Edgar Mitchell wrote The Way of the Explorer to document his experiences with mysticism and space. For a more detailed description of his thoughts on UFOs, click here and here. For other reliable information on UFOs and the related cover-up, see our UFO Information Center available here.

Alien Nation: Have Humans Been Abducted by Extraterrestrials?
2013-05-10, Vanity Fair

John Edward Mack, a Pulitzer Prizewinning biographer and Harvard Medical School psychiatrist, spent years trying to fathom their stories [those who claimed alien abduction] and reached an astonishing conclusion: they were telling the truth. That is, they were not insane or deluded. In some unknown space/time dimension, something real had actually happened to them. Mack graduated cum laude from Harvard Medical School and, while only a resident, founded one of the nations first outpatient hospitals. Days before his 75th birthday, he looked the wrong way down a London street and stepped in front of a drunk driver. But 20 years ago, when he burst onto the scene as the Harvard professor who believed in alien abduction, he was probably the most famous, or infamous, academic in America. Suddenly he was under investigation at Harvard, the target of a grueling inquisition. But two decades after Mack took alien abduction from the pages of the National Enquirer to the hallowed halls of Harvard, the question remains: why would a pillar of the psychiatric establishment at Americas oldest university court professional suicide to champion the most ridiculed and tormented outcasts of society? As he later said, "These individuals reported being taken against their wills sometimes through the walls of their houses, and subjected to elaborate intrusive procedures which appeared to have a reproductive purpose. In a few cases they were actually observed by independent witnesses to be physically absent during the time of the abduction. These people suffered from no obvious psychiatric disorder, except the effects of traumatic experience, and were reporting with powerful emotion what to them were utterly real experiences. Furthermore these experiences were sometimes associated with UFO sightings by friends, family members, or others in the community, including media reporters and journalists, and frequently left physical traces on the individuals' bodies, such as cuts and small ulcers that would tend to heal rapidly and followed no apparent psychodynamically identifiable pattern as do, for example, religious stigmata. In short, I was dealing with a phenomenon that I felt could not be explained psychiatrically, yet was simply not possible within the framework of the Western scientific worldview."

Note: Read this entire article to find out how a successful and skeptical Harvard professor came not only to believe some alien abductions were real, but had the courage to present the evidence for it to his peers and to the public. To watch the profoundly moving documentary "Touched," featuring Prof. Mack, click here. For lots more reliable, verifiable information suggesting a major cover-up of the UFO phenomenon, click here.

UFOs Disabling Nuclear Missiles: Former Senator Says Veterans' Testimony is "Smoking Gun" Confirming U.S. Government Cover-up
2013-05-07, Wall Street Journal/PRNewswire-USNewswire

In an interview with ABC News/Yahoo! News last Friday, former U.S. Senator Mike Gravel (D-Alaska) said statements by U.S. Air Force nuclear missile launch officers – regarding mysterious aerial objects interfering with the functionality of American ICBMs – make clear that top government officials are lying to the public when they claim to have no knowledge of national security-related UFO incidents. Gravel first gained national recognition in 1971, by placing the still-classified Pentagon Papers – which documented U.S. government malfeasance during the Vietnam War – into the public record. Gravel said the revelations by former/retired Captains Robert Salas, Bruce Fenstermacher, and David Schindele, as well as retired Security Policeman Sgt. David Scott, are "the smoking gun of the whole issue" of government secrecy on UFOs. On September 27, 2010, Captain Salas co-hosted the "UFOs and Nukes" press conference with noted researcher Robert Hastings, during which seven USAF veterans revealed ongoing UFO activity at U.S. nuclear weapons sites during the Cold War era. That media event was extensively and favorably covered by hundreds of news organizations worldwide, including CNN, which streamed the proceedings live. The full-length video of the press conference appears at The latest testimony – about UFOs knocking ICBMs offline – was heard by Senator Gravel and five other former members of congress at the "Citizen Hearing on Disclosure" organized by Stephen Bassett at the National Press Club last week.

Note: For the thorough research of Capt. Salas into the event where UFOs disabled nuclear missiles, click here. Could UFOs disabling nuclear warheads be a message from extraterrestrial forces for us not to play with such dangerous toys? Hundreds of military and government witnesses have gone on record claiming a major cover-up around UFOs, including a former chief of the CIA, the former chiefs of defense of the UK and Canada (see video), and Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon. Why is it that so few people are aware of this and other amazing and even inspiring facts around UFOs? For more, click here.

Believe in UFOs? Highlights of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure
2013-05-03, Washington Post blog

The first three days of UFO hearings have been … interesting. The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure is not a real congressional hearing. For a stipend of $20,000, six former members of Congress are sitting at the National Press Club and listening to 30 hours of testimony about UFOs. The media has been covering all this up for decades, apparently, in a coordinated effort with the CIA people on the staff of every media organization to suppress information. Activist Stephen Bassett observed that this subject is a third rail for media and public officials. “You can do anything and get out of the closet on it and it’ll be no problem but this… watch out, your career’s on the line. We are doing it because we have been brainwashed to laugh at it.” “Unless we change directions we’re likely to end up where we’re going,” enigmatically quipped Steven Greer, of the Disclosure Project. An Air Force colonel now in his 80s, Richard French, claimed to have been responsible for covering UFOs up. “I’d say it was swamp gas. Anything we could come up with to convince the general public. At that time there was an average of about three a week ufos … I went down there observed ‘em just regularly.” Former Senator Mike Gravel ... noted that ... “It is the height of human arrogance to think that we are… the only sentient beings that can think.” Former Congresswoman Carolyn Kilpatrick [added] “I think today’s whole experience has been one of intelligence … higher than normal in today’s society.”

Note: For more news on this key hearing, click here. For lots more reliable, verifiable information suggesting a major cover-up of the UFO phenomenon, click here.

UFO film promises proof of pint-size aliens
2013-04-09, Fox News

An upcoming documentary film about UFOs claims it will offer evidence of aliens, including cutting-edge scientific analysis of a recovered body. The film, which premieres April 22, is titled "Sirius" and showcases the claims of Steven Greer, a prominent UFO researcher who has dedicated years of his life — and a small fortune — to proving that the U.S. government is actively covering up hard evidence of extraterrestrial life. The project has taken several years, and money to fund it was raised from donors and UFO buffs. In an urgent, breaking news update to the crowdfunding project, Greer [said]: "There is a chance that we may be able to include in the film “Sirius” the scientific testing of a possible Extraterrestrial Biological Entity (EBE) that has been recovered and is deceased. I have ... personally and professionally examined the being. It is indeed an actual deceased body, and most certainly is not plastic or man-made. It has a head, 2 arms and 2 legs and is humanoid. We have seen and examined X-Rays of the being. Its anatomy however is not homo sapien (modern human) or any known hominid (predecessors to humans)." Maybe all the questions will be answered when the film premieres, and scientists will finally have the “potentially explosive and world-changing evidence” they need to confirm extraterrestrial life. Or not.

Note: For photos and a more balanced Huffington Post article on this intriguing topic, click here. For lots more intriguing information on this and a second, similar alien discovery by researcher David Wilcock, click here.

UFO memos most popular of old FBI case files
2013-03-29, CBS Atlanta

Forget about gangsters and bank robbers, the most popular document in old FBI case files has to do with UFOs. At "the vault," the FBI's digital reading-room, anyone can go online and view the bureau's most notorious cases. "Since we opened the vault, it's been this memo about flying disks or flying saucers, and it relates to an allegation that we heard from a third-hand, saying that the Air Force had found a couple of saucers out in the New Mexico desert," John Fox, FBI historian, said. The memo's all of two paragraphs. Agent Guy Hottel, then head of the FBI's Washington Field Office, writes that an Air Force investigator "...stated that three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico. They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50-feet in diameter. ... Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots." It's not just the Guy Hottel memo that's a favorite. There are hundreds of other pages of memos and files in the FBI vault - in the "unexplained phenomenon" section, all about alien and UFO sightings - that are more popular online than the FBI's files on Bonnie and Clyde, serial killer Ted Bundy and other famous cases that have become part of FBI lore.

Note: For a three-minute CNN video of this amazing news, click here. You can view the declassified memorandum described above on the FBI website at this link. Or download this revealing document and view it on our website at this link. For lots more reliable information suggesting a major cover-up of the reality of ET visitation, click here.

FBI's 'flying saucers' online memo intrigues public
2013-03-28, CNN

Out of all the case files made public by the FBI online, the most popular is a memo from 1950 titled "FLYING SAUCERS," the agency said this week. The mysterious report from Guy Hottel, special agent in charge in Washington, begins with this: "An investigator for the Air Force stated that three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico. They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall." The name of the source is blacked out. Over a million people have looked at the sensational memo online. The account goes on to say that the bodies were "dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed fliers and test pilots." Although the file was first released in the 1970s, it was posted online in 2011 as part of the Vault. The London tabloid The Sun said the memo appeared to back the claim that extraterrestrials landed in Roswell, New Mexico. But in a new commentary posted this week, the FBI said that since this memo was dated three years after the supposed Roswell landing, "there is no reason to believe the two are connected." The memo is part of a cache of hundreds of pages of accounts under the heading "Unexplained Phenomenon," describing claims of UFO sightings, spacecraft debris and alien landings.

Note: For a copy of this declassified document, click here. For more on UFOs, see our deeply revealing UFO Information Center available here.

O'Hare UFO sighting in 2006 one of the most famous reported
2013-03-20, Chicago Tribune

Chicago isn’t known as a hotbed of UFO activity, but O’Hare Airport is the home of one of the most publicized sightings of the last decade. A “flying saucer-like object” was spotted over Concourse C of the United terminal in November 2006 by pilots, airline management and mechanics. The incident, reported by a Chicago Tribune columnist a few weeks later, noted the object was first seen by a United ramp worker around 4:30 p.m.. After that, a variety of witnesses said the object was dark gray and 6 to 24 feet in diameter. The object was silent and appeared just below the 1,900-foot cloud deck, until shooting off into the clouds and leaving a circular hole shape in the clouds. The Federal Aviation Administration ... dismissed the incident as a weather phenomena. But for Center for UFO Studies Scientific Director Mark Rodeghier, the possible alien craft that appeared in the center’s own proverbial backyard remains a mystery worth exploring. “It’s an unknown object over O’Hare, and it’s seen by official personnel, and does United or the FAA take it seriously? Of course not, they have zero interest because UFOs can’t exist. But how can you not worry about something hovering over an airport after 9/11? It doesn’t make sense,” Rodeghier said. Journalist Leslie Kean also wrote about it in her book “UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On The Record” and talked about in on “The Colbert Report” with Stephen Colbert in 2010, saying the government should investigate the O’Hare incident.

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on UFOs from reliable major media sources.

Dmitry Medvedev muses on aliens
2012-12-08, The Telegraph (One of the UK's leading newspapers)

Dmitry Medvedev, Russia's prime minister, gave the nation his views on more than he intended on Friday. Mr Medvedev let his guard down after an interview with five Russian television stations when he failed to realise the cameras were still rolling. [One] of the journalists asked whether the president is handed secret files on aliens when receiving the briefcase needed to activate Russia's nuclear arsenal. "Along with the briefcase with nuclear codes, the president of the country is given a special 'top secret' folder. This folder in its entirety contains information about aliens who visited our planet," Mr Medvedev answered playfully. "Along with this, you are given a report of the absolutely secret special service that exercises control over aliens on the territory of our country ... More detailed information on this topic you can get from a well-known movie called 'Men In Black' ... I will not tell you how many of them are among us because it may cause panic," he says. None of the television stations that interviewed Mr Medvedev broadcast the off-air comments, but they were delivered to Reuters as a pool signal and some were shown on YouTube. Even during the interview itself, Mr Medvedev answered some unusual questions. Asked whether he believed the world would end on Dec. 21 under a New Age prophecy, he said no.

Note: For deeply revealing reports from reliable major media sources on UFOs, click here.

Solar Warden - The Secret Space Program
2012-11-07, Huffington Post

Since approximately 1980, a secret space fleet code named 'Solar Warden' has been in operation unknown to the public. Whilst conducting an FOI (freedom of information) request with the DoD (department of defence) in 2010, I had a very unexpected response by email from them which read: "About an hour ago I spoke to a NASA rep who confirmed this was their program and that it was terminated by the President. ... Did NASA refer you to us?" The program not only operates classified under the US Government but also under the United Nations authority. When Gary McKinnon hacked into U.S. Space Command computers several years ago and learned of the existence of "non-terrestrial officers" and "fleet-to-fleet transfers" and a secret program called "Solar Warden", he was charged by the Bush Justice Department with having committed "the biggest military computer hack of all time", and stood to face prison time of up to 70 years after extradition from UK. But trying earnest McKinnon in open court would involve his testifying to the above classified facts. To date the extradition of McKinnon to the U.S. has gone nowhere. McKinnon also found out about the ships or craft within Solar Warden. It is said that there are approx eight cigar-shaped motherships (each longer than two football fields end-to-end) and 43 small "scout ships. The Solar Warden Space Fleet operates under the US Naval Network and Space Operations Command (NNSOC). There are approximately 300 personnel involved at that facility.

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on UFOs from reliable major media sources.

UK blocks hacker McKinnon's extradition to U.S.
2012-10-16, CNN

The UK government [today] blocked the extradition of computer hacker Gary McKinnon to the United States to face trial for what the U.S. government says is the biggest military computer hacking of all time. Home Secretary Theresa May said McKinnon was accused of serious crimes -- but that "there is also no doubt that he is seriously ill." The extradition order against McKinnon should be withdrawn because his Asperger syndrome and depressive illness meant "there is such a high risk of him ending his own life that a decision to extradite would be incompatible with his human rights," she said. McKinnon has admitted to breaking into computers at NASA and the Pentagon but says he did so to find out if the U.S. government was covering up the existence of UFOs. The 46-year-old has fought a decade-long battle against extradition.

Note: For deeply revealing reports from reliable major media sources on UFOs, click here.

Ex-CIA agent: Roswell, N.M., incident really happened
2012-07-10, USA Today

A former CIA agent is going on the record to say the alleged UFO incident on July 8, 1947, in Roswell, N.M., really happened. Chase Brandon, who worked 35 years with the CIA, said documents regarding the alleged landing of beings from outer space are locked up at the CIA's headquarters in Langley, Va. "It was in a vaulted area - there was one box that really caught my eye," the Daily Mail quotes Brandon as saying. "It had one word on it: Roswell. I rummaged inside it, put the box on the shelf and said, 'My God, it really happened.'" Brandon [made] the comments during the 65th anniversary of the alleged incident, which military officials initially explained as the capture of "a disc," but later explained away as a weather balloon. "It was not a weather balloon - it was what people first reported," the [Daily Mail] quotes Brandon as saying. The Huffington Post quotes Brandon as saying, "It was a craft that clearly did not come from this planet." Brandon worked as an undercover, covert operations officer in the CIA's Clandestine Service, where he focused on missions on international terrorism, counterinsurgency, global narcotics and weapons smuggling. He spent his final decade with the agency as liaison to the entertainment and publication industries, and it was during this time - in the mid 1990s - that he walked into the vaulted Historical Intelligence Collection area at CIA headquarters, according to the news organization. Brandon said the box contained written material and photographs.

Note: For a great Huffington Post article on this, click here. For the Daily Mail article, click here. For an excellent, intriguing eight-minute video featuring Chase Brandon on his knowledge of CIA training, click here. For verifiable quotes from a former head of the CIA, two astronauts, and other top officials on a huge UFO cover-up, click here.

Minor alien invasion OK with most Americans, poll shows
2012-06-28, Seattle Times/Los Angeles Times

More than 80 million Americans believe that UFOs exist and many of them are not afraid of an alien drop-in, according to a new study. As part of its new "Chasing UFOs" series, the National Geographic Channel conducted a poll to assess Americans' views on the paranormal. The study found that 11 percent of those polled believed they had seen a UFO. In addition, most of those polled said they would regard a minor alien invasion as only a minor inconvenience. And most expect the visitors to be "E.T."-type friendly. And despite the recent uproar over the Miami face-chewing incident, 71 percent in this survey were more likely to believe in aliens than in zombies, or vampires, or superheroes. The study threw in a few fun questions. Among them: Which superhero would Americans be more likely call on to battle aliens (the evil kind, not E.T.)? That would be the Hulk (21 percent). Spider-Man got only 8 percent of the vote. President Obama had the questionable honor of being perceived as better able to handle an alien invasion than GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney; this was a notion held more strongly among women than men and among younger folks than older. The "Aliens Among Us" survey was conducted with a random nationwide sample of 1,114 Americans from May 21 to 29.

Note: For lots more on UFOs check out our UFO Information Center.

Meet the UFO Chasers: James Fox, UFOlogist
2012-06-26, blog

For nearly 20 years, [documentarian James] Fox traveled across the world in pursuit of the truth regarding UFOs. He directed and produced three films on the subject and in 2007 orchestrated an event, with help from journalist Leslie Kean (Coalition for Freedom of Information), which to this day is hailed as the most credible civilian effort of disclosure on UFOs in history. Fox assembled 14 speakers, including two retired generals and several other military officers, a former governor, civilian pilots and government scientists from seven countries (Belgium, Chile, France, Iran, Peru, U.K. and the U.S.) at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., to give firsthand testimonies on their encounters/investigations with UFOs. He is convinced not only that UFOs are real, but that governments have concealed information on this subject from the public for more than 60 years. For the first time ever, Fox takes his personal experiences, contacts and expertise on the road with National Geographic Channel’s new series, Chasing UFOs. His nonthreatening conversational style of interviewing, open mind and unbiased reputation have given him unfettered access to witnesses, government documents and cases from around the world. If Fox doesn’t know a case, he’s friends with someone who does. James Fox firmly believes the truth is out there, and it’s a personal journey for him to share the facts with the world.

Note: For what may be James Fox's best documentary on UFOs, watch the incredibly well-produced Out of the Blue, available at this link. For reliable information on UFOs check out our UFO Information Center.

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